Friday, July 26, 2013

Country Homes Garden Club Success

Last week the community enjoyed the beautiful and fine taste of the women of Country Homes Garden Club. Upon entering the flower show one was graced with the presence of beauty and welcomed warmly by the members. Tove', Kathy & Marie were three beams of light that sparkled and shared laughter. Treats galore in the form of refreshments, summertime beverages and friends made this event another success for the Whites Creek community.

Developed With Joy!

A child-like man is not a man whose development has been arrested; on the contrary, he is a man who has given himself a chance of continuing to develop long after most adults have muffled themselves in the cocoon of middle-aged habit and convention.
                                                                                          _Aldous Huxley

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Country Homes Garden Club & Upcoming Events

A Standard Flower Show
July 17th 2:00 to 4:00 P.M.    Free Admission
7148 Old Hickory Blvd. Whites Creek, Tn 37189


Commander Graves and I will be at the McDonalds on Rosa Parks Blvd. at 11:00 am to sit and chat with our citizens. It’s ‘Coffee with a Cop’ and we’re going to share a cup o’ Joe with folks and talk about anything they’d like to talk about. So, if you’re not too busy and would like to come talk about, well, just about anything, grab a cup and come sit with us. Next week, July 23rd, Commander Graves will be at the McDonalds on Brick Church Pike at the same time (11:00).

Sgt. Mitch Kornberg
Metropolitan Nashville Police Dept.
North Pct./William D. Bodenhamer Bldg.
2231 26th Ave. North
Nashville, TN 37208
862-4420 Office
862-4413 Fax

July 28th 6:00 to 8:30 pm

Councilman Walter Hunt's Neighborhood Crimestoppers Meeting

The community came out in record numbers on July 13th to the Fontanel Studio Gallery where Marc Oswald granted councilman Walt Hunt and Metro Commanders and officers the opportunity to address community concerns. The WCRC held a similar event in September of 2009 with then community WCRC Historical Lead Jim Graves and Mrs. Wright where crime prevention tips and action oriented plans were put in place. Many of the tips were basic and still very important for a viable and safe neighborhood.

Get involved with a Neighborhood Watch group
Never open your door to a stranger or solicitor
Be aware of your surroundings and get to know your neighbors
Stop, Look and Listen to what's going on in the area
Secure doors, windows & do not leave "hidden key" outside
Install an alarm system
Turn on porch light and  install lights in dark areas
Notify police of suspicious activity by calling 862-8600